Hey family! Well it was so good to get all your e-mails today! I loved it. It was definitely one of those days I needed it. This week has been a tough one for me out here. Mainly because of my new companion. haha I know I know I need to learn to love him and I am really trying but he has been making it kind of hard. it’s all good though imp hoping this week will get alot better. Well elder Salines left for Joao Pessoa but I'm glad you sent a ring for him. haha I'm glad it came so fast too! I will be able to get it to him pretty easy. Well this past week was good but our baptism with Leo fell again and he decided he doesn’t want to be baptized in our church which really sucked. But he has his free choice and we did what we could. but elder Lohman stuck around too by the way which I was so grateful for because he helps me out a little bit with where certain houses are and stuff like that. that and it is so nice to talk to him because we are very similar and it’s like having a friend to talk to. Elder Pereira is good; he just got called a senior so I'm his first junior companion. He has 7 months so he is only two months ahead of me. He is letting the whole senior companion thing get to his head a little bit, but I'm just letting him do his thing right now. He keeps saying how the whole work and everything we are doing needs to change. I don’t know what he has planned? haha we will probably find out this week. elder Sanchez is the new elder in the house and he is pretty laid back. he doesn’t talk a ton but he is pretty cool, me and him like to talk music. haha one thing that really is hard with elder Pereira is that he talks so weird and says things in weird ways and really quietly. so I will just ask him to say it again and then he gets all frustrated and stuff. but it’s not just me either elder Lohman can’t understand him either. so I'm hoping I can get used to how he speaks. but he is good and I'm hoping this week will go well for us and we can baptize some people. We have found a couple young guys and 2 families to teach. I'm hoping next week will go well. haha I'm getting really excited for Christmas! it is going to be great, nothing compared to home but it should be really good. it kind of sucks though because right now it is summer here and everyday it is blazing hot! I miss the snow. but there is not alot new, just the work. haha but it is going good, I'm speaking well and understanding almost everything. so I love the e-mail pictures that you send me they are pretty sweet. elder Lohman wants you to e-mail his mom and tell her how to do it, haha so lohmank1@k12tn.net is her e-mail, 865-8590583 is her phone number too so her name is Kelly and he wonders if you could explain it to her. haha if not it’s all good. but anyway this thanksgiving will definitely be different for me. it will probably just be a normal day at work. but it sounds like things there are going to be different too. I always loved thanksgiving haha just eat and watch football. it was great. I am definitely having football withdrawals. but today is 5 months exactly from the day I left home so only one more month and I get to call. haha the plan to not say goodbye sounds like a good one too. but right now I don’t know where I will be calling but I think it’s just for 40 minutes so I was pretty bummed that I can’t talk for like an hour or 2 haha. but it’s all good I know that following the rules is important. so I'm sure I will have more time to get it figured all out too. like where I will be and what we are going to do. but I love all the news and the pictures and stuff, it is so nice to be kept up to date a little bit. I feel so out of the world, like I don’t know anything that is going on. but there is not alot new here but I'm hoping our allowance will come tomorrow because we are all out of money and food. we have eaten everything in the house. haha but it should come tomorrow for sure so no worries I'm not dying out here k? I had enough but my comp showed up with like nothing so I have been helping him out too. I can feel all your prayers for me out here and I know the lord is blessing you guys and me too. it’s really tough out here and there are alot of days I don’t think I can keep doing this, but I know he lifts me up and helps me just keep plugging along. dad I hope all goes well at work and I’m glad you sacrificed one day so you could enjoy the rest of the month. it will be worth it. so I am pretty jealous of the Goodman’s by the way. I want a cruise so bad right now it’s not even funny. haha how about a cruise when I get back? huh? haha think about it you know you want to! well mom how’s the knee? 100 percent yet? I hope it is getting alot better and that you are almost back to full health. but I am almost out of time so I gotta run. I love you all so much and hope you all have an awesome week! you are the best family ever. I love you love ty